Concluding of labor contract refers to legal action which makes their right and duty clear through mutual choice and equal consult between employer and labor who reach an agreement on the labor contract clause. 劳动合同的订立,是指劳动者和用人单位经过相互选择和平等协商,就劳动合同条款达成协议,从而确立劳动关系并明确相互权利义务的法律行为。
When the parties select competent court by agreement, the courts of common law countries sometimes may use public policy of "choice of law mode" and "law and regulations priority mode" to deny the validity of jurisdiction clause. 在当事人协议选择管辖法院时,英美法系国家法院有时会运用法律选择模式和法规优先模式公共政策否定管辖权条款效力;
Although the party who provides format contract cannot force the other party to accept format clause, the other party always has no choice but to accept this clause. 虽然提供格式合同的一方不能强迫对方接受格式条款,但是对方往往除了接受该格式条款之外,没有其它的选择。
The stakeholders clause is the fundamental approach to put the social obligation of corporations to effect, but only inner people with related interest can be protected by formal facilities, and the only practical choice is limited stakeholder clause. 公司利益相关者条款是公司法落实公司社会责任的基本路径,但是只有内部利益相关者的利益才能得到正式制度的切实支持,目前可行的只能是有限的利益相关者条款。
The author thinks that, in the fourth part, on the basis of special law and general method for the conflict exists between the legal status of choice through solution, but how to set the general clause of greatly dangerous responsibility but become thorny problem. 笔者认为,在第四部分的基础上,对于特别法与一般法间存在的冲突可以通过法律位阶选择的方式解决,但如何设置高度危险责任的一般条款却成为棘手的问题。
It generally involves two levels of content: Inner layer for performance for the value orientation method, reflecting the value choice of legislation and the legislative; Outer layer for the purpose by the legislative. Usually expressed in the purpose clause of the Act. 它一般包含两层内容:内层表现为该法的价值取向,反映的是立法者的立法态度及价值选择;外层表现为该法的立法目的,通常在该法的目的条款中明示出来。
Enterprises and farmers 'mutual choice reflects in the contract clause agreement. 企业与农户的相互选择体现在契约条款的约定上。